Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Rihanna's Grammy Jewelry In A "Legal Limbo"

So The Chris Brown and RiRi Saga Continues. This Time 1.4 Million In Jewelry Is Involved. A lawyer for RiRi filed a motion in Los Angeles County Superior Court requesting the return of the 1.4 million worth in jewelry. The four (unnamed) companies who lent the valuables to the singer for the Grammy Awards have yet to get their jewels back, this delay has been costing RiRi some serious cash considering she signed an agreement with the jewelry companies agreeing to return each piece the day after the Grammys.

"The investigating officer gave me his opinion that photographs would be sufficient, and the D.A. said to write her a letter and they'd consider returning it," Attorney Donald Etra said. "I have heard nothing since the last letter to the D.A."
There is also no word that the singers bloodstained Gucci dress was being returned as well.

Read More Here On The LA TIMES:http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-jewelry25-2009apr25,0,1999404.story

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